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Old 15-11-2014, 12:04 AM
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Andy01 (Andy)
My God it's full of stars

Andy01 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3,257
Saw a midnight screening at Imax (whoa) last fri night. Initially thought I was reliving an episode of the Big Bang Theory as I was with 4 other IT geeks, but quickly settled in an LOVED the movie!

McConaghy has come leaps & bounds as an actor, ever since Dallas Buyers Club he's awesome. Hathaway is well, just eye candy but not a deal breaker and Damon plays an interesting character well.

Loved the robots, loved the score and the visual FX. Thought the human drama was a bit fluffy but overall 9/10. The movie certainly tips it's hat to 2001 in several scenes - (well it's really a reboot of the original, Hollywood style) - with no stone unturned and you're held by the hand and led all the way through to the end. Some clever concepts and decent hard science for once in a Sci-fi movie, more Sci than Fi anyway.

... And I want to see it again!

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