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Old 09-07-2014, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Rod771 View Post
With the camera fitted to the corrector end of the OTA, its not intended to be use with a an OAG or filter wheel. As Rick has mentioned at 620mm focal length a guide scope will sufficient. My Hyperstar set up has a FL of 560mm, all
I use to guide is the Orion mini guide scope. Works perfectly.

The fact that the aperture is 11 inches and has 55mm of back focus suggests they have covered the DSLR market with the intention of making it "plug and play". You could still use a mono CCD using Starizona's Filter slider.

Greg is spot on, the SX 814 would be a great camera for this scope. I'm looking at getting one for my Hyperstar set up. Just need the cash
But why would Dave Rowe and Mark Ackermann design a telescope
corrector with so little back focus?
I like using an OAG - I don't want to throw away any subs from differential flexure.

My RCC coma corrector designed by Dave Rowe gives me 91.5mm of back focus for my Newt.
see here:

That is what allowed me to use an OAG , filter & camera.
It also allowed me to use a Baader Varilock spacer to adjust for coma correction.
see here:

What is it about this new design that does not allow for more back focus?
Surely Dave Rowe would have made a design to give more back focus if he could have?
That was the whole point of his Baader RCC corrector.

This major point is somehow hidden in the slick advertising here:
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