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Old 04-07-2014, 10:33 AM
loc46south (Geoffrey)

loc46south is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Milton - New Zealand
Posts: 176
Hi Octane -

I've been using CCD Commander and G-11 for a number of years now without any problem - it is a bit quirky but it will work you just need to experiment. One problem is I dumped Maxim years ago in favour of CCD Soft - I found that it handled guide stars better, but in saying that Maxim must work as other use it.

Setup Camera Control - Maxim or CCDSoft
Mount Control - Ascom - get latest
Planetarium - The Sky - with the Latest Tele Api
Focus Control - Focus Max
Platesolve - Pinpoint Full

Forget about your Poth Hub - not needed - CCD Commander will control the scope through Ascom With Focus Max I don't use Acquire Star but instead nominate a star from "The Sky" for focusing. Usually off Target. By doing it yourself you can ensure it is not a double star or that it is not in a crowded field.

Method - Goto Ra/Dec or SAO Number - Platesolve and centre - Focus - Return to target - Platesolve and centre - Take light frames.

Apart from that it should be plain sailing - you will need to experiment a bit with your instructions to get exactly what you want but I have found it reliable.

Geof Wingham
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