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Old 14-04-2014, 07:37 PM
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Paul Haese
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Originally Posted by Astromelb View Post
Dear I In Ser's,

Really interesting feedback guys. This product really does excite some of you, as is evident from the highly mixed feedback and dialogue.

This GS design is not a true RC, if you want a true RC you can only make it with premier quality componentry, and with respect there is not a single component from this GS system that I would consider for a real premium quality RC project.

Maybe you should compare the performance of these systems with a real RC, such as Marcus Davies -

Seriously guys, it's like comparing a "Great Wall Ute" with a "12 Cylinder Ferrari" - it's not within a billion light years of being a fair comparison.

I would not even consider trialling such a system, the best thing that GS make is their cheapo Dobs, and I think they are ordinary, I progressed past that quality when I was 16 years old.

Seriously guys, 0.27 That is not a Strehl result, it's an insult to astronomy !

Clear skies.

Yep heard all about the Ferrari Chris. It has had problems with baffling etc that a really expensive scope should have. So far I have not seen an image out of Marcus's scope. You make statements about the GSO scope is not a true RC and well you are completely wrong. Stop trying to sell scopes in this thread please. It is really disrespectful.
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