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Old 16-02-2014, 10:26 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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The only issue with that argument about one shot colour is that different camera and chip makers can offer different auto white balances and colour jpeg engines.

There is a decided difference between jpeg output from different camera brands. Subtle perhaps compared to what we are talking about but there.

You get those who swear by Canon colours, then Nikon colours and usually the popular winner is Fuji colours. But you certainly get preferences.

So even in that arena there are differences. Also the demosaicing process that turns the image into a colour is set by the manufacturer or software writer.

But yes in practical terms its far less of a variable and is a bit of a guide.

Subtle again but there. I see output from my CDK17 and it usually picks up the Ha areas in galaxies without even doing a Ha set. It also will show the core as yellow without any trouble. Some other scopes I have found on some galaxies the core does not look yellow. So some manipulation is required in these cases. How well is the scope supplying the colour information? Coatings, mirrors, lenses all have their limitations.

Also if you used a one shot colour with a poor refractor you would lots of blue ringed stars which are obviously not correct. Lens coatings on APOs can definitely skew colour one way or the other. The FSQ106ED I would argue skews colours to the mustard. It may be the lens coatings, it may be the internal black paint but there is a colour bias there.

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