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Old 30-01-2014, 06:57 AM
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rat156 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Melbourne
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Hi Mohammed,

I've been imaging Jupiter from Melbourne with surprisingly good results, for me anyway. As always, scale is my problem, try to get too greedy and magnify the planet too much and you lose fidelity in the data, can't focus etc. This is poor seeing, which I'm used to. Looking through the eyepiece I can visually see the planet shimmer like the sun setting over a hot road, so I'm surprised at the nice pictures I've been able to get. In essence it's worth a try from Sydney I reckon, the images won't be world beaters, but you should get some that are nice.

Like Paul said, practice is important. I used the filter wheel and captured Jupiter in RGB a few nights ago, on a new Dob, without and then with Robofocus, it all requires practice.

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