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Old 08-01-2014, 12:16 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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From how you describe it sounds like you have exceptional seeing. My seeing here is good to excellent I would describe. However its a bit subjective. On a usual winter night there is usually no star scintalltion above about 20 degrees or minimal. Even in summer I had that on several nights.

What wrecks it though is wind. If there is wind star scintillation picks up noticeably.

I would describe my dark site as being way above average in darkness, and above average in seeing but not like you describe. I have seen it though.

One early morning I looked at Jupiter through a Tak FS152 scope and thought at the time it was remarkably still. I think that was what you would describe as superb seeing. That was around 3am or so.

It would be nice to experience exceptional seeing so you have a reference point subjectively to compare it to other conditions.

I certainly know the CDK17 will show up the seeing very clearly and when the seeing is good the images are very noticeably sharper and tighter.

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