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Old 26-08-2013, 10:22 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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He doesn't conclude much. Often reviewers say "the best camera is the one that suits you the best" - well you knew that before you read the review right?

D600 is a good camera but it has the dust/oil issue which as far as I know has not yet been solved. That means you have to clean the sensor often because there is a defect in the shutter mechanism that is causing bits of paint or dust or oil to flick onto the sensor. This is discussed ad nauseum on the camera forums.

It stopped me from considering one.

They all have their pluses and minuses and often buyers are already brand loyal so reviews mean little when that occurs. Often buyers have invested heavily in one brand of lens and their choice now is gone and are locked in from an earlier decision (which they may be entirely happy with).

Another factor reviewers don't look at it that astrophotographers do is QE. QE is very much higher with the current Nikon cameras.

Also the Nikon hot pixel noise suppression applied prior to saving to RAW was very bad in early Nikon models but has been greatly improved in later models and appears to no longer be an issue.

I did read a report where one guy used a D800 for deep sky astrophotography and he complained about something being non linear. I am not sure what he meant by that but he found a way around it. The resulting image was pretty spectacular even by CCD standards. But DSLRs are still a long way off from challenging a cooled high quality CCD.
Its that whole mono every pixel counts thing.

DSLR sensors are probably really sensitive these days but they have so much stuff on top of them only a fraction of the light is getting through.

Here is a list of common cameras QE performance (not sure how accurate it is but its probably a guide);

Also of interest coming up in the near future. Fuji has developed and patented a process of a light sensitive organic coating for sensors that increases light sensitivity and results in the highest dynamic range sensor at 88db. That should be in Fuji cameras at the end of next year earliest perhap 2015.

A full frame Sony Nex camera is expected very soon. That could be of interest to astrophotographers as well as it may be easier to cool as the sensor most likely has been pushed against the back wall of the camera body.

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