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Old 12-08-2013, 11:28 PM
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naskies (Dave)
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Thanks for your input, everyone. It seems like with other brands, at least, it would be reasonable to expect to achieve the specified cooling performance.

I wasn't sure whether it was like laptop battery life specifications, i.e. complete and utter lies

I might have to follow up with SBIG again (I was already planning on it regarding problems with bias frames). With long exposures, I can see a very noticeable different in calibrated long exposure subs between -10 deg and -15 deg... hence missing out on the last 5 degrees or so does make a noticeable difference in my case.

Originally Posted by mill View Post
My QHY9 with the 8300 chip will make the stated -50C below ambient at 90% power.
Normally i cool to -30C at 35% power but then again the QHY9 has a double stacked peltier.
Wow, that's quite impressive - big plus for the QHY9. Cooling to -30C in my case would require ambient temps of around freezing, clear skies, and 80-90% cooler power - rarely possible even at my dark site out west.
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