View Full Version here: : Forum downtime - scheduled outage

30-05-2005, 03:53 PM
Hi guys.

Just a heads-up that in the next week, there will be some schedueld downtime of the forum in order to upgrade the forum system to vbulletin version 3.0.7.

The new version has some significant improvements and added features that will allow greater control for administrators and moderators - in particular, attachments can be saved to disk instead of the database, image attachments can be shown as thumbnails, and a host of other features you'll love. As a consequence of the image handling features, we'll be able to relax the image posting guidelines - more on that later.

mojo and I are currently working on the logistics of the upgrade, as well as modifying the "style" so that it looks similar to how it is now, but it will be a new appearance - hopefully for the better :)

The date of the outage is not set in concrete yet, but will likely be at the end of the week, maybe Thursday or Friday morning from 5am and will take about 2 or 3 hours. The forum will be unavailable during this time, however the main IceInSpace site will still be online.

I will announce again when the date is known 100%. I'll also post a list of some of the other features you might like!

Thanks, and comments or questions please feel free to post!