View Full Version here: : Boston Dynamics Atlas robot shows off its parkour skills

15-10-2018, 04:12 PM
In a 11 Oct 2018 video released by Boston Dynamics, their Atlas robot shows
off its parkour (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour) skills :-


15-10-2018, 04:26 PM
Wow! I've been watching their older youtube videos for a while now and spreading the word. "Behold, your future riot cop and foot soldier in the next war on water/oil/truth/ideology!"
The most impressive so far was the one where he - urgh, it ! - walks through the forest on snow and slippery sloping ground. And holds its balance!
But this one ... is scary as! Wow!

Is it really possible that it can jump that parcours by interpreting visual input into mechanical movement? Or does the parcours (as of yet) have to be exactly the same layout?

15-10-2018, 07:34 PM
Welcome to our robot overlords.